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Password protect your newsroom
Password protect your newsroom

Need a password protected area in your newsroom. Here's all you need to know...

Naomi Chalmers avatar
Written by Naomi Chalmers
Updated over a week ago

Whether it be for privacy, exclusivity, sensitive content or another reason altogether, the newsroom offers different levels of password protection to suit your needs.

Protect your assets

The first, simplest option is to password protect your media kits, a feature already included in your subscription.

Within a media kit, you can store images, videos, sound files, PDFs and more. Once you've added the files, go to the settings of the media kit and click the option to password protect. Immediately, your media kits will appear with a πŸ”’ icon and viewers will need the correct password to proceed.

Click here for a more detailed guide on how to password protect your assets.

Half public, half password protected

Finally, you could decide on our hybrid option: a public newsroom with a private section hidden behind it. Essentially, this works as it you had two newsrooms, and you can choose what content to share with who, and where. Email us for more information.

Protect the entire newsroom

If you want to go a step further, we can protect the entire newsroom with a password. After clicking through to the newsroom URL, visitors will be greeted with a log in page (copy and branding customizable) which will take them to your newsroom and all its exclusive content. Reach out for more information.

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