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Release notifications

Whether you'd like to quietly publish your release or let all your contacts know about your news, anything is possible!

Naomi Chalmers avatar
Written by Naomi Chalmers
Updated over 7 months ago

When your release is ready to be published, you have a couple of options in regards to how and who you'd like to share your news with.

No notifications

If you don't wish to notify anyone of your release, you can simply backdate your release to a past date. By choosing a date in the past, the system will not notify anyone of your news.

Notify only subscribers

If you only wish your list of subscribers to be notified (if you've the subscribers options enabled), then simply publish your release as normal without adding any emails.

Notify your contacts

If you'd like to send your campaign to one or more press lists, you can do so by following these steps. Once you have set up a distribution list for your campaign emails on your campaign timeline, all of the selected contacts will receive your latest release directly in their mailboxes.Β 

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