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Out of office

Set your OOO status to ensure things run smoothly for your colleagues during your absence

Naomi Chalmers avatar
Written by Naomi Chalmers
Updated over a year ago

Our OOO feature allows you to inform your colleagues that you're away and avoid any unnecessary delays.

Enable OOO

Move your mouse over the cogwheel icon in the sidebar and click the Out of Office link.

Tick the I am Out of Office checkbox and hit Update my status to let your colleagues know you are away. Your OOO status is now updated across the application.

CleanShot 2022-10-20 at 09.51.02

OOO during campaign approval

When you are creating a new campaign approval, OOO users are placed at the bottom of the Assign reviewers list. This way, you will see all of your available colleagues first. Of course, you can still assign approvals to OOO users. Just like other reviewers, OOO users will receive all campaign emails.

OOO reminder

You will notice a large orange notification bar at the top of your screen reminding you to turn off your OOO status when you come back to work and log in.

Out of office notification bar

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