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Newsroom statistics

Evaluate your newsroom and campaign performance and export reports

Naomi Chalmers avatar
Written by Naomi Chalmers
Updated over a week ago

We use Plausible to provide all the statistics for your newsroom and campaigns.

Plausible is a GDPR compliant, cookie-less and anonymous tracking solution that doesn’t process any personally identifiable data whatsoever. You can review their data policy here:

In your portal, the Plausible page includes an overall dashboard with pageview and visitor data for the whole newsroom. You can also look at the data per campaign/email distribution you send out.

Is the data compliant?

Plausible does not use any cookies and is fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA and PECR.

All the site measurement is carried out absolutely anonymously and no personal data is collected. There are no persistent identifiers or cross-site or cross-device tracking. Your site data is not used for any other purposes. All visitor data is exclusively processed with servers owned and operated by European companies and it never leaves the EU.

Newsroom stats

To access the newsroom stats dashboard, first log into your account and navigate to the Site Analytics.

Segment your audience by any metric you click on and answer the important questions about your visitors, content and referral sources. You can even use the filter to compare two sets of data in the moment.

Campaign stats

To access stats specific to a campaign, click on the View report button to the right of the campaign in question.

You will get an overview of your release’s performance. You can select a time frame by choosing between All, 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours or 1 week.

Sharing a campaign report

Sharing the campaign report can be done in two ways: either as a secret page that can be visited by you and your selected contacts or as a private link that can be sent out to your colleagues.

Get your newsroom stats via email

You can receive a monthly email report on the 1st of each month right to your inbox with all the newsroom stats. To receive a report, simply contact us with the email address where you'd like to receive the report. We'll set it up for you!

In each report, you'll see:

  • Page Views: Track the number of views your newsroom receives.

  • Unique Visitors: See how many distinct users visit your newsroom.

  • Bounce Rates: Understand the percentage of visitors who leave after viewing only one page.

  • Referrers: Identify the sources that drive traffic to your newsroom.

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